Saturday, October 3, 2009

Student Voices: Children Begging in Cochabamba

It's absolutely heartbreaking to be approached in a restaurant by a four or five year old child begging for change. To be honest, it makes me angry for a number of reasons. First, because these children are denied by their circumstances the opportunities afforded to so many; to scratch out a living, they must learn to beg before they learn to read. It also upsets me that I haven't done anything to help or even realized the weight of the issue of global poverty until recently. Finally, it bothers me that more people aren't willing to help and are content to live their comfortable, isolated lives and ignore the condition of a great majority of the world. Who could blame them though? Everything we experience, everything we are force-fed by the media and by society tries to make us focus our attention inward.

- Sean Buuck, Indiana University - Bloomington, Current Bolivia Semester Student with Amizade and West Virginia University (Pictured above right at a Cochabamba Soccer Match)
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